The Cost of Living

The cost of living in the UK is getting out of hand, strikes across almost every major sector and an ever-weakening pound are making it increasingly difficult for people to make ends meet. The cost of essentials like food, housing, and travel have all increased significantly over the past few years. Energy bills are also rising, due to increases in the cost of electricity and gas. In addition, taxes have been hiked in many areas to help fund public services and infrastructure....

January 14, 2023 · 3 min

What is the meaning of life?

This part of the blog was written by the AI To live a good life we must find some meaning. This can be done in a variety of ways; we can find meaning through relationships, work, hobbies, and activities that bring us joy. We can also find meaning in our faith or spirituality. Whatever it is that brings us fulfillment and happiness, we should strive to make it a part of our lives....

January 3, 2023 · 2 min