These resources are the top three places, which I use the most when I’m trying to develop apps for iOS. There are many other resources, but the majority of what you’re trying to learn or find out can probably be found on these websites.

Apple Developer

This is the official Apple documentation and tutorials with examples. Of course, whenever you’re writing code one of the first places you should refer to is the documentation. And the Apple documentation is quite well organised. It’s just lacking some examples but that’s where the tutorials come in which cover a good amount of the technologies and the new frameworks which they add. Restart Orioles are good, but they do feel a bit commercial, compared to tutorials done by a solo developer. Where they can really put themselves in the shoes of a beginner developer and consider the sticking points and really help them understand what’s going on.

Swift by Sundell

When you develop apps sometimes the documentation has the correct explanation but for more complex concepts, having some context can really help. That’s where Swift by Sundell comes in. With blog posts on topics which beginner to intermediate developers will get stuck on. All are explained in a conversational tone, which source code to show real-world examples. Sundell also has a podcast coving a broad range of topics on swift development.

Hacking with Swift

No, this is not a website for hacking or stealing passwords. It’s a resource to learn Swift, presented by the great teacher Paul Hudson! This has been around for a long time, so there is a large catalogue of content. Covering simple, basics like handling data formats and fundamentals like for loops. There are videos and web tutorials which is helpful, when a person explains things in simple terms it can clarify the topic. Also if you’re an absolute beginner, free courses are available to get you started on iOS Development.